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A sixth sense for life in seventh heaven

Let yourself be whisked away on an extraordinary journey of discovery. The SixSeven Restaurant, located at the top of the Royal Hamilius complex, shows its two faces depending on your mood. A menu that will delight your taste buds, a view that embraces the city to the horizon, two special atmospheres that will satisfy your five senses depending on the moment...

... and the sixth will have taken you there.

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    Thibaut Deltour

    • 28
    • MAR
    • 2022

    Thibaut Deltour

    Welcomes you like "at home"

    The SixSeven is a place (and quite a place!), but also a community of men and women. A Brigade is like a family. And it is in this spirit that Director Thibaut Deltour wants to welcome you, so that you feel right at home. Thibaut Deltour, full of passion, has worked in the kitchen of great French restaurants. He experienced the true art of French living at Pierre Cardin, was in charge of event evenings at the Résidence Maxim's, particularly during the Paris fashion week, and worked alongside the two Michelin starred chef Jean-Marie Meulien. After many years as a chef, Thibaut Deltour took on the role of Director in 2011 at the renowned Brasserie La Tour, which was listed in the Michelin Guide in February 2013. In 2019, he set up on his own with his restaurant Bleue Blanche Rouge. The restaurant will be listed in the Gault & Millau in 2022. For him, the success of a restaurant is comparable to a beautiful plate where colours and tastes are in harmony: between a perfect attention to the customer, the respect of the product and an irreproachable quality of service. Today, it is with a constant desire to learn that Thibaut Deltour wants to create a world, the SixSeven, where beauty and goodness come together.